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i Practice

information society

As a product of many sociological and cultural conditions in our environment today.  Our design collaborative is involved in research where  informatics and new technologies to develop contemporary techniques for practicing across cultural domains.   This work investigates new hybrid interactions generated by digital information, infrastructure and the landscape. 


This practice continues to probe for new methodologies that inform design which sample from culture, material, technology and information to create new spatial networks that respond to our rapidly changing environment.  In operating at a multiplicity of scales, we have created an array of spatial diagrams that constantly influence our design pedagogy. These animated diagrams [iPractice] are interactive fluid templates that organize vectors related to context, time, space and velocity. 


This research is intended to articulate the instability present in our environment and formulate new architectural, programmatic and systematic responses.   We are encouraged by our current cultural fluidity as a means of critical inquiry resulting in sociological advancement.


Design Team:


Tim B. Castillo

Rana AbuDaya


© 2018 by Tim B. Castillo

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